55 million + waste tyres are produced in the UK each year ...

Although classed as hazardous waste, the UK has been content for many years to deal with their end-of-life tyres by exporting them abroad to developing nations, however the UK government Environmental Bill refreshed in 2020 is seeking to stop this. Of the 55 million end-of-life tyres produced in the UK annually 35% are shipped overseas and in many cases disposed of unethically with millions stored in “recycling” yards in Asia. .

The current destiniations for waste tyres in the UK include:

land fill
UK Landfill Sites

UK Landfill Sites

Since the Uk ban in 2003/06 a huge number of tyres do not end up being processed or turned into fuel, instead they end up shipped abroad to often unregulated landfill sites. From Kuwait to India, these landfills are a massive environmental hazard and twenty years after the EU outlawed tyre landfills in the EU, European companies are contributing to the same problem abroad.
fly tipping
Fly Tipping

Fly Tipping

The UK has an average of 41 waste tyre fly tipping incidents each day, the North-west England saw the highest rate of increase compared with the rest of the country, as the data from Defra showed incidents were up by 80 percent in 2020/21 compared with 2019/20. However, the south-east of England was the fly-tipping hotspot, seeing more than 2,600 incidents reported last year – up from around 2,200 in 2019/20.
Tyre yards india
Tyre Depots Across Asia

Tyre Depots Across Asia

Figures obtained by Tyre and Rubber Recycling show that 300,000 tonnes of tyre arising were shipped to India alone in 2023 from the UK. Although scrapped as unsafe to use in the UK, many are sold on and used on vehicles potentially putting others lives at risk. A large percentage are stored unethically in unregulated densely populated inner city depots, in addition to the environmental concerns, a real potential of spontaneous combustion .

Due to the high cost to dispose of end-of-life tyres in the UK, and the governments ban on sending whole tyres to landfill, according to Defra there were 10’s of thousands illegally fly tipped across our countryside bringing misery to farmers, needlessly costing the UK tax payers to clear them up.


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